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Amirkabir Carpet Co | Just Imagine

Amirkabir Carpet Co | Just Imagine

Amirkabir Kashan carpets upholds and continues the 7000-year-old tradition of Iran in the carpet industry.
producer of classic and modern carpets, kilim and Rugs.
Available products:
1500 Reeds Carpet | 1200 Reeds Carpet | 700 Reeds Carpet | 400 reeds Carpet | Modern Carpet | Vintage Carpet | Classic Rugs | Persian Carpet

1 1
carpet 1500 Reeds highbulk classic carpet

1500 Reeds Carpet Highbulk

carpet 1200 Reeds Highbulk batista carpet

1200 Reeds Batista Highbulk Carpet Collection

carpet 1200 Reeds highbulk classic carpet

1200 Reeds Classic Carpet Highbulk

carpet 700 Reeds highbulk classic carpet

700 Reeds Classic Highbulk Carpet

carpet 1200 Reeds Highbulk Modern carpet 5

1200 Reeds Modern Carpet Highbulk

carpet 700 Reeds flat classic carpet

700 Reeds Classic Carpet

carpet 1200 Reeds classiccarpet 1

1200 Reeds Classic Carpet

vintage carpet 400 Reeds Highbulk Harmony

400 Reeds Vintage Carpet | Harmony Vintage

1200 reeds Colorful

1200 Reeds Colorful Carpet

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About Amirkabir Carpet Co.
Story About Us
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Some etymologists argue that the city name comes from the Kasian, the original inhabitants of the city, whose remains are found at Tapeh Sialk dating back 9,000 years; later this was changed to "Kashian", hence the town name. Between the 12th and the 14th centuries Kashan was an important centre for the production of high quality pottery and tiles. In modern Persian, the word for a tile (kashi) comes from the name of the town.

Kashan is divided into two parts, mountainous and desert. In the west side, Kashan is cited in the neighbourhood of two of highest peaks of Karkas chain, Mount Gargash to the southwest of Kashan (the home of Iran national observatory, the largest astronomical telescope of Iran) and Mount Ardehaal in the west of Kashan, also known as "Damavand of Kashan" and the highest peak of Ardehaal mountains (end part of Karkas chain in central Iran).

In the east side of the city Kashan opens up to the central desert of Iran. Kashan is also known for Maranjab Desert and Caravanserai located near the namak lake (or salt lake). Today Maranjab and the surrounding Shifting Sands is a visitor destination at the weekends for safaris.

Amirkabir Carpet Co | Just Imagine

One of the missions of the Monte Factory is to make premium quality products available to the widest audience possible. We specialize in affordable luxury products.

We speak of luxury because we use only high-quality materials and manual assembly. Availability is because we do not spend our customers money on marketing campaigns making prices affordable for most buyers.

We like to think that you chose our products not for ballyhoo but for quality, style and an honest approach to work.

The best traditions of carpet making combined with modern manufacturing technologies.

AmirKabir Factory is an ISO 9001 certified company. To meet the international standards, we use only high-quality materials, including the best tried-and-true German and Japanese mechanisms. The carpets of our made of high wear and corrosion resistance.
